Когда он начнёт читать эти книги? - When will he start to read these books?
Где он нашёл свой велосипед? - Where did he find his bike?
Почему он забыл стих? - Why did he forget a poem?
Кто должен читать сказки? - Who should read fairy tales?
Кто будет учить стихи? - Who will learn poems by heart?
<span>Какой стих ты выбираешь? - </span>Which poem are you choosing?
Sankt Petersburg - my best place! In Sankt Petersburg - hotels, parks, markets and so much more! Here, you can fun with friends, family, best friends! In here many shops, and you can go shopping with mom, friends, grandmother! I love went to the park in the evening. I see my friends, amigos, friends from school. In evenings I taking pictures about Sankt Petersburg. My photos see mom, and she said, what this best photos. Sankt Petersburg - my favourite home. I love Sankt Petersburg.
1. How long you held the doctor?
2. When you were a doctor?
3. I just saw it
4. I was in the pool
5. When you visited her grandmother in the last times?
6. I visited her grandmother three times this week.
7. My friend has already paid for the bike.
8. Have you ever had a headache?
9. That unusual you saw today in the zoo?
<span>10. Your parents never knew about your lies?</span>
НУ ТОЛЬКО ТАК . О стольное всё расплыто было