When did they come yesterday
Making the world better. Если "делать"
1. Helen told me that I should enter the poetry competition.
2. Rick told Kim that he hadn't taken his credit card.
3. George said that he had noisy dogs in his neighbourhood.
4. Mr. Nicholas told Mike that he had cheated in the Maths test.
5. Mum told me that I must clean my room the next day.
6. Carl said that he was the fastest runner of all.
7. Mrs. Rees told Cindy to tell her why she hadn't done her homework.
8. Mr. Parker said that he had seen a tall man with blond hair break into the shop.
9. Dad told me that I mustn't drive my car without asking him first.
10) Max told Donna that he had used her mobile phone.
«пять добродетелей»,«пять обетов» или «пять заповедей»)[1] — базовый кодекс буддийской этики, принимаемый буддистами-мирянами в традициях какТхеравады, так и Махаяны на время или на постоянной основе. Известны также как заповеди, зароки. Принятие пяти обетов — часть принятия буддизма и одна из регулярных практик буддистов-мирян обеих традиций. Соблюдающий эти правила постоянно называется упасака, илиупасика. Их соблюдение также обязательно для буддистов-мирян непосредственно до и во время получения посвящений и т. д.