3) boat - лодка
4) goldfish - золотая рыбка
5) hat - шляпа
6) laughed - смеялись
7) jumped - прыгнула
В прошлую субботу мой папа и я сходили в маленькую рыбацкую деревню. Там было кафе, в котором мы остановились для отдыха. Человек рыбачил в маленькой рыбацкой лодке. Мой папа крикнул: "Надеюсь, ты поймаешь золотую рыбку!" Внезапно большая рыба прыгнула из воды на шляпу мужчине. Он был очень удивлён, а мы с папой смеялись. Тогда мужчина попытался схватить рыбу, но она прыгнула обратно в воду. "Я хотел поймать рыбу, - крикнул он нам, - но не хотел, чтобы рыба поймала меня!" Это было очень весело.
Итак вопросы :D
Do you like your school uniform?
Do you like free unirform or jackets and why?
What do you wear when you go to school?
Do you always wear school uniform?
How often you classmates (or you) dont wear uniform?
Do you wear sneakers (кроссовки) or shoes when you go to school?
Ну если что, могу ещё придумать)
Task 1
C, B, D, A
Task 2
I will tell
Task 3
Olga wrote that she was enjoying her seaside holiday very much.
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
1 combines
2 describes
3 trips
4 meaning
5 country
6 abroad
Task 7
How much time will take to arrange our tour?
Task 8
Task 9
How does waiter know English?
Task 10
set off for airport
1 Education is provided by ( ) schools and (______) schools.
2 State schools are (____ )
3 If pupils go to a public or private school, parents (________ )
4 Compulsory education means that all children (________)
5 Kindergartens and nursery classes are ( )
6 Children start school at the age of ( )
7 (_______________) and (____________) provide secondary education.
8 There are no (______ )in comprehensive schools.
9 If pupils want to enter a grammar school, they (_______)
10 Pupils take ( ) at the end of each 4 stages of education.</span>
<span>1 private public
2 free
3 have to pay
4 must attend it between the ages of 5 and 16
5 optional
6 five
7 grammar schools comprehensive schools
8 entrance examinations
9 have to pass the 11+ exams
10 exams</span>
2 At 12 o'clock, she wasn't watching TV. She was tidying her room.
3 At 1:45, Assel and her parents weren't sleeping. They were having lunch.
4 At 4:15, Assel's dad wasn't playing basketball. He was watching TV with Assel.
5 At 6:45, Assel's friends weren't having dinner. They were playing basketball with Assel.