<span>A1. - 1) do
2) make
3) make
4) make
A2. - </span><span>1) retake, examiner
</span>A3. <span>Match the words on the left and the endings on the right.
</span><span>1-b retirement
2-c </span><span>individuality</span><span>
3-a </span><span>honourable</span><span>
4-d disrespect
A4. </span><span>Choose the correct form of the verbs.
</span><span>3) is spoken
B1.</span><span> Put the words in order to make the sentences. Write them down.
</span><span> 1) If you were a scientist, you would invent a new machine.
2) If you were </span>a famous person, you would take part in TV programmes.
C1. 1) If you saw a ghost, you would get frightened.
</span><span> 2) If you were asked to organize a picnic, </span>you would do it.
London Zoo.
<span><span>Wheat bread - 100 g beef - 70 grams, tomato sauce - 30 g, -20, the horseradish
Boiled beef, cut into slices, put on the bread and pour the meat sauce homemade cold - fill with tomato sauce and horseradish.
Хлеб пшеничный - 100 г, говядина - 70 г, соус томатный - 30 г,
Вареную говядину, нарезанную ломтиками, положить на хлеб и залить мясным соусом домашнего приготовления, холодную - заправляют томатным соусом, хреном.</span></span>
"lake" - что переводится как "озеро"
1)There are:the world's largest collection of clay tablets with hieroglyphics(over 150 thousand).But the pride of the museum is well-known in this world library Ashshurbanipalaiz king of Nineveh,with its 20 thousand tablets of different content
3)It's founded in 1847 year