My friend live in a Fleet Street in London
No,tortoises havent got long legs.Theyve got short legs.Kangaroos havent got short tails.Theyve got long tails.
1. being - participle 1 от глагола to be;
Заболев, он решил остаться дома.
2. leaving - Participle 1 от глагола to leave, часть глагола сказуемого is leaving во времени Present Continious:
Делегация покидает зал сейчас.
3. published - Part.2 от гл. to publish; в предложении - определение;
illustrated - Part.2 от гл. to illustrate; часть глагола-сказуемого are illustrated в Present Simple,
Passive Voice.
Книги, напечатанные для детей, хорошо проиллюстрированы.
1 Were they at school yesterday ?
2 Was he in the mountains last summer?
3 Was he in the park last month?
4 Were they in Great Britain last year?
5 Were you in Moskow a week ago?
1) I can consider myself a confident person, for never giving up and going forward to the goal.