<span>1. If a dish that you want to try, is far not Tanis toward him across the table: ask sitting around him he could give it to you. By the way, according to the laws of etiquette you should care for the neighbour, who is sitting to your right.
2. Ugly to lend a hand through a neighbor or pull yourself dish over the table.
3. Using a common meal, sugar, salt, immediately put them back in place, leaving no longer on your device.
4. Food meals should be taken in appropriate quantity, remembering about the others seated at the table. On the plate should be put as much as you can eat.
5. Getting up from the table, do not immediately hurry to leave; if you are really waiting for urgent matters, warn about his soon resignation in advance.</span>
1. Если блюдо, которое ты хочешь попробовать, находится далеко, не тянись к нему через весь стол: попроси сидящего поблизости человека передать его тебе. Кстати, по законам этикета ты должен ухаживать за соседкой, которая сидит справа от тебя.
2. Некрасиво протягивать руку через соседа или придвигать к себе блюдо через весь стол.
3. Воспользовавшись общим блюдом, сахарницей, солонкой, тут же поставь их на прежнее место, не оставляя надолго у своего прибора.
4. Еду с блюда нужно брать в соответствующем количестве, помня об остальных сидящих за столом. На тарелку следует класть столько, сколько можно съесть.
<span>5. Встав из-за стола, не стоит сразу же спешить уйти; если тебя действительно ждут неотложные дела, предупреди о своём скором уходе </span>
- Oh, hello, nice to meet you)
- hi, I'm glad to see you too. where are you going?
- to the swimming pool. We are having a competition next week and I have to train hard.
- sounds interesting. Why have you chosen swimming, not football or something else?
- well, I think, because I like water and by the way, I am not tired after training, swimming is sort of relaxation for me
- that sounds good. May l go with you too?
- you certainly may) but you need special swimming hat , glasses and tank suit for the lessons
- ok then, I' ll call you in a day. Where will we meet?
- at the bus station, I think
- thank you, good bye!
- good bye, good luck!
1)i posted a letter and then i walked to the shops after lunch
2)the band didn’t play at the concert because they didn’t want to perfom
3)we talked about the evening and laughed about it
4)Andy didn’t fix my bike yesterday
5)Did paul wash the car after he finished work?
6)Last month they played video games and watched films every weekend
Alexander Popov is a famous Russian physicist and inventor of radio. Popov was born in 1859 in Perm Province. In the family, except for Alexander, grew another six children and lived very modestly Popov. But this did not prevent the boy to make every effort to study and achieve great success in science.
In 1882, Popov successfully graduated from the University and was invited to stay to prepare for his professorship. Alexander dreamed of conducting experiments in the field of electricity, and this was one of the reasons that he began to teach in the officer class of Kronstadt, where there was a modernly equipped physics class. In 1890, he was invited to teach physics at a Technical school in the same city. All his free time from teaching Popov devoted to physical experiments, which resulted in the invention of radio in 1895.
In April 1895, Popov presented a new device to the Russian physico-chemical society and made a report on the invention of wireless communication. He also studied x-rays and took x-rays of various objects for the first time in Russia.
Alexander Stepanovich Popov passed away in 1906. His contribution to Russian science was highly appreciated by the countrymen: his name was given to the museums, streets, schools, awards, companies, etc. are Monuments to the scientist in Saint-Petersburg, Krasnoturinsk, Ekaterinburg and 5 cities. In 1949 the film about his life and scientific activity "Alexander Popov"was shot.
2)He's Jane's brother. He's her brother
3)They're Tom's cousins. They're his cousins
4)They're Linda's grandparents. They're her grandparents
5)He's Justin's uncle. He's his uncle
6)He's Linda's father. He's her father