1). Remembers
2). Time
3). Friendly
4). The truth
5). Listener
6). Helps.
Arguments for animal testing:
1 <em>recearch on animals has brought us many benefits</em>
2 recearch on animals helped us discover ways to help people and other animals live healthier lives in the future
3 scintists claim that there is no other way to test if certain drugs are safe for living beings
или без<em> общего 1го предложения</em>, что исследования на животных принесли много пользы...разделить 2е предложение на 2 части...одна относящаяся к людям, другая к животным:
1 recearch on animals helped us discover ways to help people live healthier lives in the future
2 recearch on animals helped us discover ways to help other animals live healthier lives in the future
3 scintists claim that there is no other way to test if certain drugs are safe for living beings
arguments againts animal testing:
1 many of the experiments cause pain to animals
2 animals have right too and it's cruel to make them suffer
3 not all animal testing has brought to human beings
serve as an excellent physical exercise. Any kind of sport is a good source of
both exercise and entertainment. I like swimming. I know about many physical benefits
that are highly important, for example, better body shape, a good mood, strength.
In general,
sports teach how interact with people, communicate with them and collaborate as
a team. Winning a game or a swim gives me a sense of accomplishment, which
boosts my confidence further.
Swimming makes
me happy.
Привет! меня зовут Таня, мне 12 лет. Я родилась 28 сентября. Нас трое в семье: мой папа, моя мама и я. Моё хобби это рисовать и писать короткие стихи. Я живу в городе Красны Луч в Луганской области в Украине. Я учусь в гимназии №1. Я люблю учиться потому что это интересно и я <span>продолжаю открывать для себя многие вещи.</span>