Map of military medicine.Mark Frencoti, an American pilot, four days ago, came to Iraq to participate in hostilities. Yesterday, during a flight on the height or along the Tigris River, he, never involved in military operations, was struck by a large number of corpses, mostly children, women and old people on the bridge over the Tigris River. In his heart he did not blame the American soldiers, they simply did not have a large wholesale in combat operations. People who have been taught for many years how to behave in a similar situation (the US military has a set of instructions - when and in whom to shoot, how to distinguish civilians from combatants, etc.). Once in the "fire of war" in Iraq, they abandoned the whole theory. As a result, the suffering of civilians.Today, as part of the squadron, the flight from the city of Basra to the city of Kirkuk passed over the Tigris River. 30 minutes after the flight the plane was shot down and the pilot ejected and landed in the reeds on the left bank of the river. Wounded in the right arm, with burns of the body parts, he lay unconscious for 24 hours. The loss of blood began to affect the health: weakness, dizziness, nausea. From the opposite bank of the river, explosions of bombs were heard several meters from the road several times the Iraqi troops were passing, shooting was heard. The home solo "EU - 130E, equipped with special installations, and threw off leaflets with offers to surrender.Two days later Mark Frenkoti was picked up by the soldiers of the first division of the US Marine Corps and the Sikorsky S-76A helicopter was transported to the hospital in the city of Basra.The 173rd Airborne Brigade, in which Marc Frencoti served, was transferred north of the town of Chamchamal to take control of the city of Mosul. The condition of the American pilot is difficult. The skin is pale. Braked. Vesicular breathing. According to lung radiography (normal). Cardiac tones are clear, arrhythmic, due to ventricular extrasystoles (9 in 1 minute). Without vasopressors, blood pressure drops to 70/20 mm. RT. Art. the abdomen on the right is painful. Pasternatsky's symptom ++ on the right. Diuresis is rare (about 600 ml). According to the history of the disease, Mark Frenkoti, a preliminary diagnosis: a burn of the skin of the right upper limb. Lacerated wound of the right forearm. Acute posthemorrhagic anemia. Acute pyelonephritis. Carbuncle of the right kidney? Toxic-bacterial shock.
4.was eating
5.have not seen.
6have heard
7.did not read.
11.have had not cooking talking turning
1. I will be sorry if you leave
2. If they come tomorrow, I will make a cake
3. <span>We will go on a picnic if the weather isn't wet
4. </span><span>If you travel to London by plane, it will take you about three and a half hours.
5. </span><span> The population of Australia will grow if more people settle there
6. </span><span> If you don't feel well, I will call the doctor.
7. When I finish school, I will go to university</span>
- Привет, уже почти наступила летняя пора. Ты уже думал, где проведешь свой отдых?
- Да, мне родители предложили поехать на море.
- Ух, ты! А куда? Заграницу или в России?
- В Турцию. Там я буду учить английский и еще какой-нибудь язык. Вот приеду, заговорю с тобой на турецком! А ты куда собираешься?
- Я летом у бабушки буду.
- Да там же скучно! Что ты там делать будешь?
- С друзьями гулять, ящериц ловить, ягоды кушать, на велосипеде кататься! Если хочешь, приезжай.
- Хорошо, будет весело!