Man and nature are closely related to each other. Nature creates all the conditions for human life, so it is important to live in harmony with it.
напишите глаголы в форме последних форм знать, кольцо, танец, есть, дринг, взарвать, летать, может, написать, растить, сидеть, г
влад череп
To know
a ring
a dance
to have( to eat)
to blow up
to fly
to write
to grow
to seat
to talk( to speak)
Она говорила о том о ем она чувствует себя некомфортно или о каких-то её позорных поступков,то что меня выгнали из школы в прошлом году
He plays football on Sundays.
He played football yesterday.
He will play football tomorrow.
He is playing football now.
He was playing football at 5 PM yesterday.
He will be playing football next Monday.
He has played football today.
He had played football by 5 PM yesterday.
He will have played football by 5 PM tomorrow