1 My sister apologized for having told everyone my secret.
2 Ali denied having given the money to John.
3 Francis promised to love Elizabeth forever.
4. Mary refused to open the door.
5 Albert suggested giving a call to Jenny.
1) isn't drinking
2) read
3) sleeps
4) drink
6)am reading
7)is sleeping
8)are drinking
9)are going
11)is playing
12)does she get...
Чуть-чуть лень, но надеюсь хоть немного полезно.
<span>The first documented discovery of the remains significantly gigantskihpresmykayuschihsya was a huge jaw with a full set of teeth, the observed v1770, in a career in the Netherlands. Great Georges Cuvier examined this jaw and v1795, declared that it belonged to some enormous marine dinosaurs. Eschecherez few years Rev. William Conybeare, an expert on marine animals, creature nazvalobnaruzhennoe mosasaurs - "lizard from Mooza" (named after the town, Gdeb the bones).
In 1876, a coal mine near the village in Belgium Bernissart bylosdelano remarkable discovery - found a whole cemetery iguanodons: 39skeletov, many of which were full! The remains were then in the prepared ismontirovany Brussels Museum in position on two legs.
In the second half of XIX century. the most remarkable discoveries of dinosaur bylisdelany in North America, in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Dvaissledovatelya paleontologist, Otniel Charles Marsh and Edward Cope Drikner, nezavisimodrug sent another expedition to this area and pay miners zainteresnye fossils ./> These expeditions first applied the methods of preparation preparirovaniyai skeletons for transportation enjoyed today. Kazhdayakost before sending it to the laboratory was in a protective shell of gipsai tissue. Unfortunately, these two scientists literally hated drugdruga. In the fierce desire to ensure that the interesting specimens were not included ksoperniku, they reached what was ordered to break and blow teskelety who could not dig themselves fully. Nevertheless, as a result ihpoiskov, dubbed the "Great American hunt for dinosaurs," until the end of XIX century it was discovered 136 new species of ancient reptiles.
In 1909, the Berlin Museum expedition, headed by Werner Janenschia, drove to a remote area of Tanzania called Tendaguru. The reason for poezdkiposluzhili stories about fossil bones that are there miners. Vrezultate work of this expedition were rich collections remains very similar to dinosaurs from North America, and, in addition, the skeletons of Brachiosaurus and byliobnaruzheny kentazavra. Until now, the museum is worth A.Gumbolta companies in Germany Brachiosaurus skeleton, discovered during this expedition.
In 1923, the American Museum of Natural History was organizovanaekspeditsiya in Central Asia, in the Gobi desert. Scientists have unsuccessfully searched kostidoistoricheskogo man, but instead of them in the town, dubbed "rayonPlameneyuschih rocks", they managed to assemble an impressive collection of bones were found the remains dinozavrov.Tam Protoceratops - amazing rastitelnoyadnyhyascherov with powerful bone collar on the skull, small carnivorous Oviraptor, resembling in appearance young ostrich with a long (1.5-2 m) hvostomi hornlike protuberance on the nose, and velociraptors, carnivorous dinosaurs sredneyvelichiny. Furthermore, in the area of Flaming cliffs in the world for the first time were naydenyyaytsa dinosaurs. Then scientists found them belonged Protoceratops.
To date, the bones of ancient dinosaurs discovered already vsehkontinentah. In China, where the study of dinosaurs began only in the 40th century gg.nashego been found so many dinosaur skeletons that they sostavilichetvertuyu part of all known finds, there was found ogromnoekolichestvo eggs ancient reptiles. And the Chinese dinosaurs were vesmapohozhimi their counterparts found in North America. This daloosnovanie assume that in the Mesozoic around the northern hemisphere were vesmaskhodnye environmental conditions. Currently working on search iskopaemyhostankov continue, but to organize international expedition stanovitsyavse harder. Worldwide, there are difficulties with the financing and supply, not to mention all sorts of political turmoil.
In 1983, the English amateur William Walker found in a quarry in Surreeneskolko very interesting bones. Later, a group of paleontologists from the Natural History unearthed Britanskogomuzeya ibid complete skeleton of Baryonyx - dinozavrasovershenno new type. Build Baryonyx not correspond nikakimzakonomernostyam structure of carnivorous dinosaurs. Its forelimbs bylidostatochno longer so that it could easily move around on four legs. Mordubarioniksa decorated comb. In addition, he had a very long jaws, armed with a huge number of teeth - twice as high as in other hischnyhdinozavrov. Ate the 6-meter giant will likely <span>fish.</span></span> если хочешь обрежь