my plans for hollidays and i really dont know what im going to do, because the only thing that i can think about is how to pass my exams. But i really want to travel a lot on my hollidays, because i find it very interesting and i think, that i will play video games as i always do. And i dont know that my parents are planning, because i havent talk about this with them, but im going to travel with them. and i really wanted to ask you about your new computer, what model it is, is it have a new functions and what happend to your previous one. Cant wait hearing from you again.
Hello, my name is( имя)
I am (скок. лет) years old.
I live in the city ( Город)
Located in the country of( Страна)
In my spare time, I relax watching movies , TV shows, walking.
I love my birthday I always give great gifts and friends and parents.And my parents always buy me a big cake
........без звука t- (<span>ˈɔːfn)</span>
Do-did, make-made, может said то тогда say-said, ride-rode, read-read, have-had, went-wented, were(was)-be, talk-talked, climb-climbed, jump-jumped, work-worked, live-lived, like-liked, collect-collected, paint-painted, want-wanted.
Я так думаю:)
I play every day(я играю каждый день) , I usually walk with my dog(обычно я гуляю с моей собакой) , he eats porridge every day (он ест кашу каждый день)- Present simple
Look! He is drinking tea! (смотрите!он пьёт чай!) Now we are playing chess(сейчас мы играем в шахматы)
I am taking my sister to school now.(я беру мою сестрц в школу сейчас)-present continuous.