Единственное число: Bread, fruit, food, soap, shampoo.
Множественное число: cakes, comics, medicines, magazines, toys, vegetables, flowers
My favourite actor (actress) is .....
I love him (если это актриса - замени на her) very much. He (she) is handsome, talented and just amazing! I really like every film in which he (she) act. If I meet my favourite actor (actress) I think will be the happiest person in the world!
The parrot is picking flowers
Yesterday, last, ago,the day before yesterday
Май нэйм ис Виталина
Ай эм 12 йеа олд
Ай лав зе холидэйс
Ай хэв э мам, дэд, брозер, систер
Ай лав ту плэй баскетбол.
Май зодиак сайн тоурес.
Тоурес: кинд, стёбен, хэйт лайс