Knowledge [ˈnɔlɪʤ] [ноуледж]-знаниеpersonality [ˌpɜːsəˈnæləti] [персонэлити]-личностьability [əˈbɪləti] [абилити]-способностьto scan [skæn] [скэн]-сканироватьto cheat [tʃiːt] [чит]- обманыватьdormitory [ˈdɔː.mɪ.tər.i] [домитри]-общежитиеproperly [ˈprɒpəli] [проперли]-правильно, должным образомapproach [əˈprəʊtʃ] [эпроач]-подход, приближениеthe Universe [ˈjuːnɪvɜːs] [юнивёрс]-Вселеннаяastronomy [əˈstrɒn.ə.mi] [эстрономи]-астрономияbiology [baɪˈɒlədʒi] [байолоджи]-биологияbotany [ˈbɒt.ən.i] [ботани]-ботаника
1. made, sat
2. stopped, rained
3. wrote, died должно быть before he died (до того как он умер, а не когда он умер)
4. opened, was snowing или snowed
5. arrived, made
6. stood, grabbed
7. fell, read (read в прошедшем времени также пишется, но произносится по другому)
8. found, watered
9. opened, she was playing или played
10. wore, saw
немного странные предложения, ну я поняла что всё просто в прошедшем времени
1.Yes, it is
2.No,she can't
3.No,she isn't
4.Yes,she has
5.No,I can't
6.Yes,I have
7.No,he isn't
8.Yes,he can
9.No,he hasn't
10.No,I haven't
2 Football is played in most countries of the worlds.
3 Why did the letter get sent to the wrong address?
4 A film studio is a place where films are made.
5 Where were you born?
6 How many languages are spoken in Switzerland?
7 Somebody broke into our house, but nothing was stolen.
8 When was the bicycle invented?