1. it's , isn't
2. is , he's
3. she's
4. it's , we
5. are
A death may be caused by the overdose.
Смерть может быть вызвана передозировкой.
A side effect was cased by this drug.
Побочный эффект был вызван этим лекарством.
Vitamins were bought at the chemist's <span>shop by me.
Витамины были куплены мной в аптеке.
A hot-water bottle was applied by my sister to her feet.
Бутылка с горячей водой была приложена моей сестрой к ее ногам.
A cough mixture was administered by the doctor.
Микстура от кашля была принята доктором.</span>
Who is closing the door?
I carry my uncles suitcase
My little sis ins cry