<span>Who said
that young people today are not able to cope with the negative events? This is
absurd and I strongly disagree with this opinion. Yes, in our life there are
many difficulties, it is difficulty to obtain a good education and then to get
a decent job. Yes we meet face to face with the problems of drug abuse and
alcohol. Yes, we want to have an independence from adults. But we are realistic
and we realize that this is temporary problems. You just need to overcome them.
You needn't doubtful temptations, you needn't join the dubious company, you
need more believe in yourself, and your parents. You can overcome any negative
event, if you ask for help your family and your close people at once. </span>
What do all Ukrainian people love?
Are there a lot of beautiful buildings in this city?
Where can people walk?
Why are we happy?
I am ... . I am ... years old.I like playing computer games.I like playing chess.I like theater and I am plaing in a new musical "Sound of Music".I am plaing as Freidrich von Trapp.I want to organize my own businness.I want to be an economist.
1. С кем ты путешествовал?
2. Как долго ты был там?
3. Что ты делал утром и днем (после полудня) ?
4. Куда ты ходил по вечерам?
5. Было ли тебе весело?
6. Чем знамениты места, в которых ты побывал?
7. Где они находятся?
8. Какие сувениры ты купил?
9. Были твои каникулы интересными? скучными?
Первый вариант правильный.
2 spanned - неправильно, нужно spanning
3 отсутствует артикль the перед словом north
4 неправильный артикль стоит перед прилагательным в превосходной степени largest, нужно говорить the largest