A pig named Bob is sleeping under the tree this evening,
1)I am sorry. I am late. Did you have to wait long?
2)Everything is okay. You see that you don't need to worry.
3)I won't be able to translate this article unless you give me a dictionary.
4)You ought to visit your brother in hospital.
5)You don't have to go shopping today as we are dining out.
6)This week we are going to meet with an outstanding scientist.
7)He was not allowed to smoke in their house.
8)Guess what! - I cannot, you will have to tell me.
9)Can you speak to him tomorrow?
<span>10)You are not allowed to talk during the exam</span>
Мовляв улюблена телепередача - Шеф діти. У цій передачі діти вчаться готувати. Я дуже тупий хомосапенз. Люди в цій програмі шпили-вилькаются. Я люблю дивитися по ночах. Моя вчителька стілець дерев'яна. Ця програма дуже пізнавальна, як гівно в унітаз. Спасибі продюсери за цю передачу.
Это не ко мне я этого не знаю
1) At the weekend I'm going to go the cinema.
2)When l'm 25, l will work in a company.
3)This evening, my mum is going to make a cake.
4) When my cousin is older, he will become a professional photographer.
5)Tomorrow, my school friends are going to play football.
6) In ten years' time, my best friend will move abroad.