A: Hi,Jenny. Are you free this afternoon?
B: Why?
A: Let's go to the theatre? I want to see a new play.
B: Sorry, i am busy this afternoon.How about going tomorrow morning?
A: Sure,that's. a good idea.
B: OK, see you at 9 o'clock.
Few-[`fju:]-мало,немного, незначительно.
Rainbow --- this magnificent beautiful phenomenon that has long struck the imagination of lyudey.Glyadya the rainbow, wants to believe in miracles. It has a shape of an arc drawn from the spectrum of colors --- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, fioletovyy.Vnutri arc usually located violet, and red on the outside ---. Most often, a rainbow is visible is not very clear, so it rasmotret seven colors is almost impossible. For example Bulgarians believe that in a rainbow of colors 6. Rainbow arises due to the refraction of the sunlight in the water droplets. Drops bowed raznhyh light colors at different angles.