Visual and acoustic alarms are activated if the freezer temperature has been higher than -10°C for more than 90 minutes. If the temperature drops again, the visual and acoustic alarms remain active and the display continues to show the highest temperature recorded in the freezer. To reset the alarms, press the alarm button .This switches off the alarms and returns the display to the actual temperature in the freeze
Вен айм ет бон. Ай джаст кант вейт
Ту гет ту скул - ай сінк ітс грейт!
Есембліес ай суд ду візаут,
Бат ай лаве іт гівінг бам-букс аут.
Ес, скулс грейт - сру айл тел ю вут:
Гоінг-бом тайм бітс зе лот!
I am very happy for you! I would like to go to this park. How much money
does it cost? Are many people there? What kinds of animals and birds did you see?
Tell me, what new things did you learn?</span>
<span>1. Fat was eight.
2. Clever had long dark hair.
3. Naughty had big blue eyes.
4. Noisy was tall and slim.
5. Funny was a nice little boy.
6. Slow had long curly dark hair.</span>
2)Cars are safer than scooters
3)Minibuses are slower than trams
4)Planes are more noisy than hot-air ballons
5)Trains are cheaper than planes