Там и переводится - Кот получил ваш язык?
Это типа "Ты что, язык проглотил?"
I have already seen this film. i have just seen this film.Have you ever seen this film? When did you see this film? Did you see the film in 2003? I have never seen the film. Have you seen the film yet?when did he visit Pete?He has just visited Pete.
В суффиксах имен прилагательных,образованных от существительных,после шипящих и ц под ударением пишется буква О,без ударения Е. Например : ежОвый, плюшЕвый.
Listen, somebody is playing the piano in the next room.
We are working in the library today, we are very busy.
Does she ever buy foodstuff at the market?
<span>Nobody visits him on Mondays.</span>
<span>Charles Dodgson was a brother of the famous English writer Lewis Carroll.
2) False - это был его псевдоним
Charles Dodgson had different hobbies.
1) True - да, у него было очень много любимых занятий
Charles Dodgson was the oldest child in the family.
3) Not stated - не сказано, каким по счету ребенком в семье он был
Charles Dodgson enjoyed his years in the boarding schools very much.
2) False - нет, он вспоминал годы, проведенные в интернате, без особой теплоты - he remembered his boarding school experience without any warm feelings.
Charles Dodgson was a good mathematician
1) True - да, он был хорошим математиком - In 1854 Charles Dodgson got a 1st class degree in Mathematics and one year later he became a lecturer in Mathematics at Christ Church College.
Charles Dodgson invented fantastic stories for his friend’s daughters.
1) True - да, он рассказывал их для дочерей своего друга
Charles Dodgson’s children enjoyed reading his books about Alice.
3) Not stated - ничего не сказано о детях Чарльза
Charles Dodgson travelled a lot around the world.
2) False - он только один раз выезжал в Россию в 1867 г.</span>