1 I am doing my morning exercises at 10 o'clock next Sunday.
2 I am having breakfast at 10-30 on Sunday.
3 I am going to the water pool at twelve o'clock next Sunday.
4 I am riding a bike with my friends at 3 p.m. next Sunday.
5 My parents, my sister and I are visiting my gran in the evening <span>next Sunday.
6 We are not going to the theatre next Sunday.
7 I am not doing my home work next Sunday.
8 I am not playing computer games next Sunday.
9 We are not arranging a party next Sunday.
10 We are not working in the garden next Sunday.
1. Was Kairat acting in a school play? - No, he wasn't. He was visiting a theatre.
2 Were Ulan and Gulnara watching a film? - No, they were playing computer games.
3 Was Nurlan eating a meal with his family? - No, he was eating popcorn at the cinema with friends.
4 Was Saule sleeping? - No, she was reading a book.
5 Were Aidar and Kanat visiting a film set? - No, they were visiting a wildlife park.
Have been )))))))))))))))0
В мудрой народной пословице говорится: «Делу - время, а потехе - час! » В своей жизни я стараюсь придерживаться этого правила. Поэтому, когда мама просит меня помочь по дому, я никогда не отказываюсь. Многие мои друзья считают, что домашняя работа скучна и монотонна. Но это не так! Достаточно немного пофантазировать - и обыденные дела превращаются в сказочное приключение. Пылесос становится голодным драконом, выискивающим на лугах жирного барашка, веник - учителем бальных танцев, а тряпочка для сбора пыли - сластеной, подбирающей везде сладкие крошки. <span>Секрет этого превращения раскрыла мне в детстве мама. Поэтому теперь мы весело принимаемся за любую работу: убираем, готовим, ходим в магазин за продуктами, поливаем цветы, выносим мусор - и чувствуем себя немного волшебницами. Зато как приятно потом вместе пить чай на чистой уютной кухне, есть пахнущий ванилью пирог и слушать интересные папины рассказы. В такие минуты чувствуешь себя по-настоящему счастливой.
</span>In the wise proverb says: «Work - time and fun - hour! » In my life, I try to stick to this rule. So when my mom asks me to help out around the house, I never refuse. Many of my friends think that homework is boring and monotonous. But it is not! Quite a bit of imagination and everyday things turn into a fantastic adventure. The cleaner gets hungry dragon, looking meadows fat sheep, broom - teacher ballroom dancing, and the cloth to collect dust - sweet-tooth, searching everywhere sweet crumbs.
<span>The secret of this transformation revealed to me my mother. So now we gladly accept any work: cleaning, cooking, go to the store for groceries, water the plants, taking out the trash - and feeling a bit sorceress. But then it's nice together to drink tea on a clean, cozy kitchen, there are smelling vanilla cake and interesting to listen daddy stories. At such moments I feel really happy</span>