9. Many famous operas were composed by Puccini.
10. A new bridge are being built.
1. Jill said it was so chilly that evening.
2. He said he had visited Spain the previous year.
3. Ben said Tom had been late that morning.
4. Jane said they would go to Italy the following year.
5. Sue said they were going away on holiday the following week.
6. Ann said she hadn't talked to Jane recently.
7. She told me to learn about local laws and customs.
8. A tourist asked me how old the Taj Mahal was.
9. He told me not to talk about religion or politics.
10. He asked Ann if she liked French food.
1. B
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. B
Man, apparently, is the only of all living beings, having an active and productive imagination. Therefore, it is reasonable to put and try to find an answer to the question of what role these types of imagination play in human life. But it also has two other named above, the kind of imagination: passive and reproductive. Probably, and they solve important problems in people's lives. Respond to the question of what a person needs imagination, you can by revealing its basic functions.
Imagination, firstly, allows the person present in the form of images and ideas that it can not be directly taken at this point, or that all or a given time does not exist in reality. For example, a person may need to submit any item that is not in sight at the moment, or that it is only going to create (the imagination of an artist, writer, actor at the beginning of their creative activity), and then he turns to his imagination.
Secondly, the imagination needed to figuratively to solve certain problems without acting practically with things, but only in the minds of manipulating the image of the things with which these problems are related. For example, solving the problem of easy placement of heavy and bulky pieces of furniture in the room, the man first mentally, in his imagination, presents a picture of the new arrangement of furniture, and only then, deciding that it is optimal, take appropriate action.
<span>Third, imagination helps a person to go beyond the present time, and moving yourself mentally into the past or into the future, to lose in mind the appropriate action. For example, analyzing the actions we have committed, we sometimes mentally move yourself into the past and the present, no matter how it was our behavior, if we do things differently. If, on the contrary, the problem is well prepared for the future, we are in your mind imagine the future situation and various options for their behavior in it.</span>
Нью-Йорк, , один из крупнейших городов в мире, был основан триста лет назад в устье реки Гудзон.
Центр Нью-Йорка Манхэттен. В 1626 году он был куплен у индейцев за сумму в двадцать четыре доллара. Сегодня Манхэттен является центром деловой и коммерческой жизни страны. В Манхэттене есть.много небоскребов, банков и офисов американских бизнесменов. Здесь начинается Бродвей, тут расположена фондовая биржа. Очень мало людей здесь живут несмотря на то, что большинство тут работают. Многочисленные мосты связывают остров Манхэттен с другими частями Нью-Йорка.
Нью-Йорк населен людьми почти всех национальностей. Его даже называют «Современный Вавилон». На рубеже 20-го века в США прибыли многие люди из разных стран мира. Они вошли в США через Нью-Йорк - ворота в Америку.
Нью-Йорк является одним из ведущих производственных городов в мире. Наиболее важные отрасли промышленности это производящие бумажные изделия, транспортные средства, стекло, химикаты, машины. Городское движение очень занято.
You must speak corractly
You must hear teachers
You must do your homework
You must be quietly
You mustn't speak so loudly
You mustn't run at school
You mustn't argue with teaches
You mustn't eat during the lesson
You must wear uniform