Первое сделать костер,второе найти дрова, третье приготовить ужин
1)Jenny in Kazakhstan
2)His family was invited to visit Kazakhstan friends
3)so in England people normally take off their shoes
4)They don't give a lot of tea at once and if they will fill the tea Cup to the top for them means that they are not only kindly ask for a short visit"
5)They don't give a lot of tea at once and if they will fill the tea Cup to the top for them means that they are not only kindly ask for a short visit"
Только на пять вопросов ответила, дальше не знаю
1. I am against mentioning this fact.2. I am against him mentioning this fact.3. I am against talking about it in his presence.4. I am against you talking about it in his presence.5. Donald is against declaring this to all.
6 Не могу напиши правильно предложение
7. We are against Harry asking him for permission.8. We are against seeking permission now.9. Robert objects to us supporting them.10. Robert objects to supporting them.
Nearly all English kings HAVE BEEN CROWNED here.
Many outstanding statesmen,scientists,writers,poets and painters ARE BURIED here...
The best hotels,shops, restaurants, clubs,and theatres ARE SITUATED here.
It WAS NAMED in memory of Admiral Nelson's victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
The East End IS densely POPULATED by working class families.