What is our concept of technology? This is something that can help us, and will do any work for us. But technology is scientific progress, and it can help us. But he won't replace us. Technologies.. Technologies...it is progress, things or things that advance a particular range of tasks, and add new tasks. But what is technology? I will answer briefly and understandably: technology is the application of scientific knowledge to solve practical problems.
(да написал хрень, но домаху всё равно надо самому(мой) делать)
2) Посмотри на семейное дерево семьи Симпсон. Кто кому приходится в их семье? Заполни пропуски на месте СЫН ГОМЕРА И МАРДЖ, СЕСТРА БАРТА, ОТЕЦ, МАТЬ, СЕСТРА БАРТА И ЛИЗЫ. Посмотри на пример (0) в начале задания.
1. She has created a great webpage
2. We haven`t cycled to school
3. He hasn`t studied French
4. It hasn`t saved the files
5. I have used a smartphone
6. They haven`t loged on to your webpage
7. You have emailed the club
8. He hasn`t shared the files