I always go shopping with a shopping list and only buy things that are on that list.
- Я всегда хожу в магазин со списком покупок и покупаю только то, что есть в списке.
I usually go to buy groceries in the nearest supermarket.
- Обычно я покупаю продукты в ближайшем супермаркете.
Department stores have many different departments: haberdashery, headwear, perfumery, stationеry, leather goods, sports goods, etc.
- В универмагах есть много разных отделов: галантерея, головные уборы, парфюмерия, канцелярские товары, кожаные изделия, спортивные товары и т. д.
Some people enjoy window shopping.
- Некоторым нравится ходить и рассматривать витрины магазинов.
More and more people prefer online-shopping to shopping in malls.
- Всё больше и больше людей предпочитают онлайн-шопинг покупкам в торговых центрах.
A beautifully laid table creates special mood. Here are some tips on how to achieve this.
Each guest put a large plate. Cutlery are placed next to a plate. (The more official reception, the more devices are required, but they must all be in the order of appearance of the dishes.) Place the left fork and knife on the right, with a sharp edge to the plate. Put the spoon on the right of the knife.
If you have enough space, dessert devices are put over the plate (fork next to the plate, the handle to the left, spoon over with a fork, the knob to the right). If there is none, before dessert remove unnecessary devices from the table and serve the dessert.
Put Pirozhkov plate to the left of large plates, forks over. Knife for butter can be put on Pirozhkov plate, the handle to the right. If you need plates, salad, put their left forks. The glasses are put right above the knives. Closest to the plate put a glass of water, then a glass of white wine, and after a glass of red, if you are applying two types of wine.
<span>The cloth can be put to the left of the forks or in the middle of a large plate.</span>
There are some methodes to make my free time into money. The most traditional and effective methode is earning money. For example, I can find a Saturday job. Except that, I can earn money in Internet, but unfortunately we can lose our money there. But, if you want earn money, you should have initiative to it..