1. Mikhail Lomonosov - made many discoveries in various fields of science, first formulated the universal law of conservation of matter and motion, created a molecular-kinetic theory of heat, founded the science of glass.
Михаил Ломоносов - сделал немало открытий в разных областях науки, впервые сформулировал всеобщий закон сохранения материи и движения, создал молекулярно-кинетическую теорию тепла, основал науку о стекле.
2. Nikolay Lobachevsky - created the geometry of Lobachevsky
Николай Лобачевский - создал геометрию Лобачевского
3. Pabnuty Chebyshev - made several outstanding discoveries in mathematics and mechanics. He created more than 40 mechanisms, many of which are used in modern automotive industry when creating devices.
Пафнутий Чебышев - совершил несколько выдающихся открытий в математике и механике. Создал более 40 механизмов, многие из которых используются в современном автостроении при создании приборов.
- is, will be, will not be, were.
- have, has, have, has.
- are, are, is, is.
- classes, oxes, babies, leafs, sheeps, advices, shoes, heroes, roofs, factories.
- some, no, some.
- works, is going, have got, have come.
Dear ...,
Hello! I want to speak about our clothes. So, in my school, we have a uniform and I haven't got casuals, but in my free time out school I prefer to wear different colorful clothes, for example a T-shirt and jeans. In my opinion It's the most comfortable variant of clothes.
Oh, I forget to tell you about my uniform! We must wear white shirts and black pants, but girls also can wear black dresses with a white shirt. And as you understand, I don't like my uniform, because I can crap it, while I playing with my friends or climbing a tree.
In our country people wear different clothes and they can wear what they want, but if they have a special job, the may have a dress-cod.
Well, and what do you prefer to wear every day? Have you got a special uniform?
I am waiting for your answer.
Best wishes,
Your... .