1. This is a big box.
2. The bag is bigger than the box.
3. This is the biggest bag we have got.
1. Австралия самый большой континент в мире.
2.Африка занимает около одной пятой части поверхности Земли
3. Великая Китайская Стена самое длинное строение, построенное человечеством, которое простирается на 6400 км.
4. Пирамиды это седьмое чудо Древнего мира, так как они геометрически идеальны.
5. Лондонский Тауэр был королевской резиденцией до 17 века.
6. Галилео построил первый телескоп в 1609 году в Италии. Он использовал его для изучения Луны и Марса.
7. Часть Темзы, протекающей через Оксфорд, называют Изидой.
8. Саксафон это музыкальный инструмент, изобретенный Адольфом Саксом в начале 1840 годов.
He's one of the most famous
characters in film history and over three billion people have watched him
-that's half the world's population! Since 1962 he's been in twenty films, or
<span>one film every two years. Who is he? He's Bond ... James Bond. </span>
The British writer, Ian
Fleming, created James Bond in 1953. Fleming was a typical English 'gentleman'.
He <u>was educated </u>at Eton (an expensive school in England), then worked as a
journalist before becoming a banker in London. However, during the war his life
completely changed when he worked as a spy in Russia. He wrote most of his
<span>novels about his own interesting experiences. </span>
<span>Although the Bond novels were
exciting action stories about spies, they didn't become well known until they
<u>were made</u> into films. When the first film Or No opened in Britain in
1962, Fleming became famous overnight. However, it wasn't until Goldfinger in
1964 that James Bond became successful around the world. Goldfinger broke
box office records at home and abroad. The phrase `I'm Bond ... James Bond' <u>was </u><u>recognised</u> all over the world. </span>
<span>Will Bond films continue to entertain us in the future? The answer is probably 'yes'. There will always be James Bond fans because audiences will always enjoy exciting thrillers. The last film, The World Is Not Enough, made an amazing £6.2 million in its first weekend! The truth is that James Bond films, with their fast cars, spy gadgets and dangerous missions, are the ultimate action movies. </span>
will fly
have already bought
are gathering
Это Past Perfect.
А предложение это, наверно, имеет продолжение....
Это Conditional sentence.Условное предложение 3 типа.
If I hadn't seen you in the mirror I would have been afraid.(пример)
Во втором главном предложении должно быть would+have+3 форма глагола.