1. What did Mykola Ivanovich Pirogov?
2. Where did he worked?
3. Which university also visited Mykola?
4. Mykola was the first to use anesthesis in the field?
5. When died his father?
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<span>Daniel Radcliffe was born on July 23, 1989, Fuleme. He dreamed of becoming an actor since the age of 5. For the first time, a young actor who has appeared on screen in the 1999 BBC television movie, "David Copperfield". Its main section; success was, of course, participate in a movie about Harry Potter in the role of one of the most famous film boys. Award for best hero and best on-screen team 2006 MTV Movie Awards U.S. (in the film Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire)</span>
1 if i were you, i would puton this dress. 2b. 3b. 4a. 5a.
Вчера пожарные работали безостановочно, чтобы контролировать лесной пожар на острове Гран-Канария. В то время как 11 вертолетов доставляли воду в пострадавший район, сотни солдат прибыли, чтобы помочь пожарным бригадам. Сегодня утром ветер разносился со скоростью 43 мили в час. ведя огонь в жилые районы. 5000 местных жителей и туристов в настоящее время находятся во временном жилье на острове.