<span>Кайчагында мин калам йорт-берсе белән упоением предаюсь мечтам. - Юньдә тынлык, ә эчендә мине ачыла дөнья тулы могҗизасы. Бу мизгелләр минем уйлавымча, дигән ук бара на свете. Һәм менә нинди картина предстает китергәнегез: табигать омрачилась аркасында тыгылу кешеләр, һәркайда шундый пычрак! Шунда ук сагындыра, шәһәр Париж узган гасырның. Ә түгел бит яхшырак бармы карарга яшел полянки, поросшие күп кенә матур чәчәк; күрергә пышные кроны агач; күзәтергә шуның кебек, кристально - чиста елгасы ыргылды бу суга балык? Болар барысы да көченнән кешегә, әгәр дә ул табигатьне сакларга. Ул яшәү чыганагы өчен барлыгы тере Җирдә. Һәм без тиеш зыян салырга түгел, ә ярдәм итәргә аңа караганда алачакбыз.
Минем бар заветная мечта: мин телим ярдәм итәргә безнең табигатьтә. Чөнки әгәр ул үләчәк, ягъни мәгънә калган мечтах инде булмаячак. Помогу табигатькә, помогу күп кенә кешеләргә өлгерергә исполнить аларның заветные хыяллар.
Өчен, аны коткару кирәк, бик күпне. Башта кирәк, кешеләр приблизились табигатькә. Тик без булыйк, аларны упрашивать, алар үзләре кабул итәргә тиеш бу хәл. Аннары без башлыйбыз высаживать үсемлекләр, озеленять участоклары, билгеләргә мусорные бакый белән ограждениями. Барлык бу гамәлләр ярдәм итәр кызыксындыру һәм кешеләрне җәлеп итәргә, бу безнең өчен бик мөһим. Күбрәк булган саен, кешеләргә күбрәк файда өчен табигать.
Узар вакыт, табигать чәчәк атачагына", һәм мин алмыйм әйтә: "кайчандыр мин дә приложила тырышлыгы иминлеге өчен әйләнә-тирә һәм сәламәтлек халкы планетабызның" ничек яхшы куюларын аңларга хәзер безнең задумка осуществилась.
Күптән түгел вакыт дип саналды, кешеләр дә үзгәртергә мөмкин табигатьне. Әйе, бу шулай. Әмма беркем дә тыя алмый, миңа булышырга, эшләргә, аны яхшырак. Мин бик телим, ул үскәндә, шундый да матур, тулы тайн, башка тыгылу нинди дә булса инновацион системаларын. Табигать оживет, һәм барлык на свете булачак ликовать һәм сөенеп яшәү!
Мин ышанам, хыяллар чынга аша<span>!</span></span>
I situated in the internet from 6 to 10 oclock
We've got red hair.
They've got green eyes.
He's got a big mouth.
You've got big mouth.
She's got a big head.
Слово yesterday - вчера - ['jestədɪ]
<span>1. We were showed by the guide all
the beautiful pictures in the picture gallery. <span>All the beautiful pictures in the picture gallery were showed to us by the
2. Six lessons a day are given to us. We are given six lessons a day.
3. He was paid the money by me yesterday. The money was paid to him by me yesterday.
4. A premium was awarded to the young sportsman by the jury. The young
sportsman was awarded a premium by the jury.
5. A new medicine was prescribed to the sick man by the doctor. The sick man was
prescribed a new medicine by the doctor.
6. You will be given the answer next week. The answer will be given to you next
7. He was promised immediate help. Immediate help was promised to him by them.
8. The boy was forgiven his mistakes by the parents. Boy's mistakes were
forgiven by his parents.
9. The young man was offered by the director a good situation. The director a
good situation was offered to the young man by the director.
10. He was told the news. The news was told to him.
11. The patient was recommended by the doctor a severe diet. A severe diet was recommended
to the patient by the doctor.
12. She was paid the money at once. The money was paid to her at once.
1. The boxer was given by the coach some instructions. Some instructions were
given to the boxer by the coach
2. I will be granted a leave in July if there is no urgent work. A leave will be
granted to me in July if there is no urgent work.
3. He was never forgiven by his friends his dishonesty. His dishonesty was never
forgiven by his friends.
4. I was offered several jobs and I can’t decide which to take. Several jobs were
offered to me by the management and I can’t decide which to take.
5. He was charged by the commander with a very responsible mission. A very
responsible mission was charged to him by the commander.
6. You will be promised much, but don’t imagine everything will be given to you.
You will be promised much, but don’t
imagine you will be given everything.
7. He was regularly sent parcels with fruit from their garden by his parents. Parcels
with fruit from their garden were regularly sent to him by his parents.
8. He was ordered by the doctor a long rest. A long rest was ordered to him by
the doctor.
9. The children were usually sent to camp in summer.
10. He was given an English magazine. An English magazine was given to him.
11. We were shown some interesting diagrams. Some interesting diagrams were shown
to us by the teacher.
12. We were given a ticket to the concert.</span><span>A ticket to the concert was given to us.</span></span>