In modern society, most teens consider themselves independent while living with their parents. The issue of freedom of teenagers relevant because they want to grow up quickly and become self-reliant and free. Personally , I believe that we have a lot of freedom . First, most teenagers early start working , which makes them independent and therefore free. Second, many of us do not listen to the advice of parents, relatives, teachers. This makes irresponsible teenagers , but free of any obligations. There are other opinions . Many parents believe that teens do not get too much freedom and they are trying to protect their children from the outside world , evil people . Unfortunately this can lead to the fact that in the future will not be adapted teenager to life. Still, my opinion is correct. I stand by my argument because the future depends on the youth , and we must be fully prepared and adapted to life , to the problems disrespect to envy.<span> In conclusion I want to say that parents should pay attention to their children, to give advice and help to adjust to real life.</span>
Ты не можешь ехать со скоростью 25 миль в час (м/ч)
1. my mum uses the computer seldom
2. he came back to paris on sunday
3. this mobile is very expensive
4. james talks slowly
5. they are staying at their friend's house tonight
Little time на английском
3. You won't find friends if you are selfish (Future Simple).
Ты не отыщешь друзей, если будешь эгоистичен.
4. You will do this test easily if you listen to the teacher now (Future Simple).
Ты легко справишься с этим тестом, если сейчас будешь слушать учителя.
5. If this film is boring, we'll go to the park (Future Simple).
Если фильм будет скучным, мы пойдём в парк.
1. mean -> generous
2. is -> is not (я не знаю антонима к "workaholic" :'()
3. intelligent -> ignorant
4. bossy -> rational
5. всё правильно
6. всё правильно
7. it -> is (опечатка, судя по всему). Помимо этого, polite -> impolite.
8. brave -> <span><span /><span>cowardly</span></span>.