To occupy
to build
to have
to call
to be
to let
I have a father? Yes, I have a father and mother I know how to jump and run. On the island there are the pirates? No.
Салли;Ох,деа,донт ворри. Нав вэт вил
вщ ис толк то ю перентс вис автер нун
вен вей ком то колект ю.вил
эксплейн то вэм экзакли вет хапенд
ай тсинк вейл андестенд итс нот юр
Джон : Тсынкс ,Салли, айм шу вейл белив ю.
Know the time вот так переводится
<span>The doors of wisdom are never shut. Frankly
speaking I think that is really true. We have been getting new lessons and
experience for all of our life. We meet different people and they also help us
in this. As people say “Live and lern”.</span>