У них большие круглые уши и черный нос
Ты заешь, что......? Коала означает " не пьющий"...
-они никогда не пьют воду, а жидкость получают из съедаемых ими эвкалиптовых листьев...
- они очень хорошие пловцы...
- они спят в течение дня.....
If you look out you will see a sunny weather
I will go to the seaside after my exams
My favorite cartoon character is Naruto. He's an anime cartoon character. Naruto is a very brave, kind and funny boy. He and his friends Sakura and Sasuke are ninjas. In his past life, he was a fox who used to do bad things to people.
I have less<span> time than he.
</span>Jack is little<span>, but Alice is even </span>smaller<span>.
</span>My room is larger than yours.
<span>This house is bigger than that
</span>I live farther<span> from school than Pete.
</span>I can't understand which tablecloth is larger<span>, the green one or the blue one.
</span>This highway is wider than that highway.
<span>This subject is more important for you now.
</span><span>This text is less difficult than that one.
</span><span>She is older than my sister. </span>
<span>Today is the first of september
Andy and Wendy are schoolchildren now
</span>mum and dad are making breakfast
Teacher is reading a book
The children are listening to the story
Their toys arent happy
The children are counting apples and sweets