This calculator is mine.<span>
Is this bicycle yours?
</span><span>These hats are hers.
</span><span>This room is theirs.
</span><span>This dog is ours.</span>
Translated into English
1 it turned out that John was a very rough boy
2 in many fairy tales evil witches turn people into animals
3 flip 3 pages and you will see the picture you're looking for
4том turned out his pockets inside out but found no one cent
5 he appeared in the end of the party and immediately asked for a Cup of tea and a piece of cake
6 now, turn off the CD player and write down exactly what you heard
7оказалось what to practice to play the piano is not always fun
8 I would like you to do the sound of the TV down
9 we turned around and were very disappointed when we saw what our friends went out of the house to
1 Did they buy catalogues?
2 Did you have the car five ears ago?
3 Did he have a lot of work last week?
4 When did he go to the London at last?
5 When did you see this film last time?
6 Where did you live two years ago?
7 What did they discuss a week ago?
8 What did they study closely?
9 Did he meet the cusomers two days ago?
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