1 . We were sure that all will be proud of it when learn the truth.2 . I didn't see you the whole eternity. Than you were engaged lately?3 . Jim told that game was very difficult and they didn't win a prize. 4 . He told that two years followed my advice, and now wants to try an own method.5 . They recognized at once this person, shopping malls saw its photos in newspapers.<span>6 . Yesterday he was very tired, the shopping mall skied from 8 to 12 o'clock.</span>
<span>Слушайте рэп и заполнить пробелы</span>
I'm the youngest of the family, Two older brother's who have got into fights because some guy smiled at me. they are my protectors and i wouldn't have them any other way.
<span>My mother thinks i'm argumentative. </span>
<span>I moved away from home and live in a completely different country to my family, and only see them once every few years. I am a confident woman and proud of what i have achieved in life.</span>
1) Been(не уверена), ну короче "-"
3)didn't see
4)haven't seen
С раннего детства я мечтала стать доктором. Мне дарили игрушки и я притворилась настоящим доктором , так потихоньку моя мечта воплощалась , но со временем она стала ещё больше и желаннее . Я захотела поступить в медицинский институт , а потом и колледж. После долгих лет я смогла поступить и вскоре стала даже главной в отделении. Так моя мечта привратилась в реальность.