Полный диалог с будет или не И глаголы, данные в скобкахЯ думаю, что я...(у) работа в СМИ.Я...(стал) журналист или редактор газеты, но я ...(не работы) на сплетни журнал.2)может я ... (сделать) работу в туризме.
Соти севен фифти фо))))))))))))))
<span>It all happened last summer. Не was staying at his cousin's house in the mountains and was bored. He really wanted something exciting to happen, so he decided to go for a walk alone. At first, it was sunny, the mountains were beautiful and he felt happy. But time passed quickly and soon it was getting dark. He realized that he was a long way from his cousin's house and was completely lost. suddenly, he heard a strange noise and saw a large dog. The dog was barking and seemed to be asking to follow him. After they went for a while, the dog took the boy to his cousin's house. The dog ran off into the night and the boy never saw him again.
Я написала везде от лица какого-то мальчика, посмотри кто у тебя герой и если что, замени he. Удачи! (Нужно указывать кто герой рассказа!)</span>
In the city of Gardens there is less than in the Country, and the village.
Это не точно, т.к там написано что нужно закончить предложение:
В городе сады меньше чем в стране....
я написал так:
В городе сады меньше чем в стране и деревне.
Или тебе нужен рассказ?!