1. grabbed
2. shouted
3. came
4. washed
5. had
6. swept
7. burst
8 pulled
New Year is the most long-awaited (долгожданный) holiday. Many people associate it with magic and gifts. First of all it is surrounded by the wonderful smell of tangerines and Christmas trees, which helps to create a festive mood (праздничное настроение). People of all ages truly (искренне) believe that in New Year their goals and wishes will come true.
New Year is an international holiday, but in every country it is celebrated in many different ways (разными способами) and each family has their own traditions. For example, in Australia, people celebrate the New Year on the beach or go on picnics with friends. In Italy, the New Year begins on January 6. Here people believe in the good fairy Befana, who gives stars and gifts for everyone. In Israel, people at on the New Year eat only sweets and avoid bitter (горький) food. In Spain on this day there is a tradition to swallow (глотать) one grape (виноград) for every time the bell chimes (звон курантов) and make a wish.
On New Year my family and I decorate the house and the Christmas tree and give each other gifts, wishing success (успех) in the New Year.
New Year’s Eve is my favorite holiday and I always look forward to it.
Nauryz is the main holiday of the year, both among the Kazakhs and many Asian peoples, celebrated for more than five thousand years. Nauryz is a holiday of spring, renewal of nature, the beginning of a new year, a new life. The celebration of Nauryz has pagan roots, it is a celebration of the worship of nature. Nauryz is celebrated on March 22 at the vernal equinox. On this day, the celestial bodies: after a year-round constellation and stars, they arrive at the points of their original sojourn and begin a new path - a circle
Наурыз - это главный праздник в году как у казахов, так и у многих народов Азии, отмечаемый уже более пяти тысяч лет. Наурыз - это праздник весны, обновления природы, начала нового года, новой жизни. Празднование Наурыза имеет языческие корни, это праздник поклонения природе. Наурыз отмечается 22 марта в день весеннего равноденствия. В этот день небесные светила: созвездия и звезды после годичного круговорота приходят на точки своего первоначального пребывания и начинают новый путь - круг.
I like to play bingo. - Я люблю (мне нравится) играть в лото.
He likes to play bingo. - Он любит (ему нравится) играть в лото.