Wasn't driving
Didn't go
Did you do
Were you doing
Was watching
Там нужно составить просто. Получается по образцу делаешь, пишешь типо моя тётя и мой дядя, мои кузины или вроде того и выбираешь всегда, иногда и т.д.
1) was shining
2) was eating
3) was speaking
4) were sleeping
5) was crossing
6) was waiting
7) was having
8) was sitting
9) were watching
10) was reading
11) were talking
1. I'll write to you every week
Buratino (or Pinocchio) is a small wooden doll-boy. He has short yellow hair and a very long sharpened nose. His eyes are blue and his mouth is small. Buratino is wearing a paper jacket and paper trousers. On his head he has a striped red and white cap.