<span>устройство, поддерживающее низкую температуру в теплоизолированной камере. Применяется обычно для хранения пищи или предметов, требующих хранения в прохладном месте.</span>
Egocolical problems are becoming more and more important today. People all over the world discuss environment pollution, but we still go on pulluting air, water and soil. Air pollution is the biggest problem ot large cities and industrial areas. It usually caused by different means of transport. Cars, buses and planes are among the worst air polluters. Factories throw garbage in the rivers. As result trees and plants are poisoned so in one moment they will die. If we lose tropical forests it will become more difficult to breathe because they provide 50 per cent of the world's annual production of oxygen. Also trees are threatened not only by pollution but by people.You should remember that when you throw something, it can eventually end up in a river. There are a way to reduce pollution from car by using electric car. We must not ignore the problems of pollution and we have to try and make everything possible to stop or at least reduce it.
Флаг Росси́и (Госуда́рственный флаг Росси́йской Федера́ции) — её официальныйгосударственный символ, наряду с гербом и гимном. Представляет собой прямоугольноеполотнище из трёх равновеликих горизонтальных полос: верхней — белого, средней —синего и нижней — красного цвета. Отношение ширины флага к его длине составляет 2:3.
One hundred
Вот так вот пишется
1.Where did she liked spend her time?
2.What did queen didn't like?
3.With did door she opened?
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