1)Хенри Форд уас борн джулай соти,ейдтин сексти сри Америкэн энджинер,индустралист,инвентор.Уан оф з фаундерс з юэс аутоматив индастрай,з фаундер оф Форд Мотор Компани Продукшн оф практикал анд експенсив кэрс.
My name is Petya. My surname is Pet'kin. I'm 12 years old. My town is small, but very beautiful. I'm a pupil. I'm in 6 class. There are 29 pupils in my class. My school is very old, but very comfortable. There are 32 cabinets here. There is a gym in the school yard
Group the words into four categories. Kingdom, state, lonely, sign, careful, industry, consist, industrial, saint, surprise, car
N. Kingdom, state, sign, industry, saint, surprise.
V. state, sign, consist, surprise.
Adj. lonely, careful, industrial, saint, careless.
Adv especially, carefully.