1 l phone her every day.
2We do not work at the weekend.
3 How do you get home?
4 I start work at nine o'clock
5 She doesn't drive to work.
6 Do they like living in the United States?
7 Do you always have a sandwich for lunch?
8 Does this bus go to the city centre?
There are a lot of wonderful cafés in my town. My parents and I went in the Baskin Robons at the weekend. There were many people. We took three ice-creams and coffee. They was so tasty! My chocolate ice-cream was great! My mother ate vanilla ice-cream and my (sister, brother, father) ate strawberry ice-cream. We sat near the window and saw street. Waiters in BaskinRobins very patient, confident and kind. Café is cosy and quiet.
It is a fantastic café!
В нашем городе много замечательных кафе. Я с родителями ходил(а) на выходных в Баскин Робинс. Там было много людей. Мы заказали три мороженых и кофе. Было настолько вкусно! Моё шоколадное мороженое было замечательным! Моя мама взяла себе шоколадное мороженое, а (сестра, папа, брат) ванильное. Мы сидели около окна и видели из него улицу. Официанты в Баскин Робинс очень терпеливы, вежливы и добры. Само кафе уютное и тихое.
Оно фантастично!
Where do your parents watch TV?
They watch TV in living room
When do you go to the theatre?
I usually go on Sunday
What music does your friend listen?
My friend listens pop music
What sport does your sister play?
She plays tennis
What games does your father play?
My father plays chess
What competitions does your brother go?
He goes to competitions in track and field athletics.
How often do you go to the cinema?
I usually go once a week
What TV programmes do your parents watch?
They watch news.
1. Длинный клюв
2. Высокая вершина
3. Чистая скамейка
4. Чистый пол
5. Слабый чай
6. Сильный / Густой чай
7. Чистая комната
8. Чистое окно
9. Говорить на английском
10. Преподавать английский
11. Читать книгу
12. Читать то и это