Spring is coming, spring is coming,
Birdies, build your nest;
Weave together straw and feather,
Doing each your best.
Spring is coming, spring is coming,
Flowers are coming, too;
Pansies, lilies, daffodils
Now are coming through.
Spring is coming, spring is coming,
All around is fair;
Shimmer and quiver on the river,
Joy is everywhere.
Весна пришла, весна пришла,
Птички гнезда вьют,
Тащат перья и соломку,
Песенки поют.
Весна пришла, весна пришла,
На деревьях почки,
Расцвели у нас в садочке
Весна пришла, весна пришла,
Весело всем людям.
Будем петь и танцевать
И смеяться будем.
1. His first picture was unfinished, death interrupted the artist's work.
2. On her desk the secretsry found some unanswered letters.
3. I hope my absence from last night's meeting was unnoticed.
4. We unexpected him to return two days before the time.
5. It was a wonder that after all these years the picture was unspoiled.
6. She was unprepared to answer the interviewer's questions.
1 I have never been to the USA. I wanted to go there last summer , but I couldn't. 2 He has lived in this street all his life.
3 his father came back to London last Sunday. 4 Yan wrote a letter to Nick two days ago.
5 He sent his letter yesterday. 6 They have just bought some postcards.
1-T, 2-F, 3-T, 4-T, 5-T,6-T 7-T, 8-T, 9-F, 10-F, 11-T, 12-T