Можно фотографию самого текста?
1. My dad is the bravest.
2. Harry Potter is my hero
3. My neighbor is a child prodigy
4. My mom is a genius cooking
5. I have achieved great success in chemistry.
6. In my childhood I dreamed of becoming a superstar
7. Have you dreamed of someday becoming famous?
Jobs, the visionary founder of Apple, had sensed an inevitable immediate
threat. Cellphones. The mobile technology was evolving rapidly, there
was a vast unexplored market and a number of consumer electronic giants
were researching in that space. Jobs knew it was only time before
someone developed a software and made the phones double as entertainment
first photo is how the man is throwing snow at the dog, they are playing.
miss - это правильный глагол будет -missed - пропускать
think - это неправильный глагол будет - thought - думать
<em><u>У</u></em><em><u>дачи</u></em><em><u> ❣</u></em>