A. Thailand
b. She likes that the beaches are wonderful and the food is really good.<span>
c. The most exciting thing she have ever done is visit Africa.
d.In Africa she saw lots of animals.
e.She would really love to visit Machu Picchu in Peru.</span>
1 are watered
2 is driven
3 is made
4 are paid
5 is not often tidied
6 is used
7 are always delivered
8 is looked
9 is visited
10 are sometimes fixed
1 was fired
2 was redecorated
3 was made
4 were flooded
5 were broken
6 was bitten
7 was given
8 was published
9 was advised
10 were not allowed
Went .were driving .drove.run.was sitting.were watching.called.was standing.asked. тема past simple и past contunious?
Зная иностранный язык дает возможность обменяться информацией с людьми из других стран. Естественно, мы хотим знать как можно больше друг о друге .
Россия всегда была страной тайн и привлекательность для иностранцев. Уинстон Churrehill однажды сказал , что Россия ''являеться загадка, завернута я в тайну внутри загадки,,
Мы, люди, живущие в России, любим нашу страну и гордимся этим. Мы хотели бы другие нации, ч.тобы понят и полюбить нашу Родину. Вот почему важно, говорить о себе
1 asked
2 why so many
3 wasn't
4 had existed
5 explained
6 thought
7 had
8 didn't think
9 split up
10 had been
11 what she meant
12 have told her
13 thought