Это описание карася :
genus cyprinids. Dorsal fin long, pharyngeal teeth row. Body high with thick backs, moderately compressed laterally. Scales large and smooth to the touch. Color varies depending on the habitat.
I have two ears.
I have one nose.
I have two eyes.
I have mouth.
Dear Tony,
Thanks for your letter. Sorry I haven’t written for so long but I was really busy with my school.
You asked me: «How you met best friend and how you are going to surprise you friend on his/her birthday?». 5 years ago, we have moved to a new region, and I had to go to a new school. In our class had a pupil who immediately interested me. Her name was Sasha. It was interesting to communicate with her, she knew a lot. In a class all loved it. She constantly read at recess. We were going in the park and spending time on the party. Now, She is in different country but anyway we rewrite. And a real surprise for her to will be when I will come to it. How are you? Who is your best friend? How you spend your time?
Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework. I can’t wait to hear from you!
With best wishes…
Составьтепредложения из записанных слов 1) hospital, my, doctor, is , of, in, the , mother, a, one, city
Dariaso [48]
My mother/mom went with me to the hospital to our local doctor who is one of the best doctors in a city.
Люди говорят, что рыба холодного, но читать эту историю, чтобы увидеть, что они могут чувствовать себя слишком Наш друг пошел в другую страну по делам. Таким образом, мы взяли ее питомец золотую рыбку и положить его в миску с нашей золотой рыбке. Они жили вместе в течение шести месяцев. Когда друг вернулся, она взяла золотую рыбку домой.
На следующее утро нашел свою золотую рыбку на поверхности, мертвые В тот же день мой друг позвонил, чтобы сказать, что ее goldfith также мертв, я считаю, что они умерли от разрыва сердца.