The Thames is not a long river. It is three hundred and thirty kilometres long and it runs into the sea. The English people call it “the Father of London”. London began on the Thames. When we go in a ship up the Thames we pass under London Bridge, the Tower Bridge and others. There is a museum of old ships on the Thames. These ships are from the history of Great Britain. One of these ships, the “Discovery”, went to the South Pole in 1901 — 1904.
If we go down the Thames we pass the port of London and get to Greenwich — a very old town. We can see the place where the Greenwich Meridian passes.
Темза - не длинная река. Она длиной триста тридцать километров и впадает в море. Англичане называют ее "Отец Лондона". Лондон возник на Темзе. Когда мы поднимаемся на корабле вверх по Темзе, мы проходим под Лондонским Мостом, Башенным Мостом и другими. На Темзе музей старых кораблей. Эти корабли из истории Великобритании. Один из этих кораблей, "Discovery", ходил к южному полюсу в 1901-1904 годах.
Если мы идем вниз по Темзе, мы проходим Лондонский порт и добираемся до Гринвича - очень старого города. Мы можем видеть места, где проходит Гринвичский Меридиан.
I don't read at five o'clock. I wasn't reading when you came in. What was he doing when I came? What was he doing the whole day yesterday? Pete watered flowers in the garden yesterday. Pete was watering flowers at five o'clock yesterday. What was Pete doing when I came to see him?
<span>If he comes on time, we</span> will start right off.
In Africa, a lot of tigers and lions.
Elephants like bananas.
Monkeys are funny animals.
Cats know how to swim?
My cat is very beautiful: it is bright - green eyes and red thick coat.
Do you love dogs? - Yes. I love big dogs.
Do Your parents work on Saturdays?
- No. On Saturdays, we sometimes go with the whole family in the park.
Is Your friend a good swimmer? - Yes. He lives in Samara. He swims in the Volga.
Look! What is there on the tree? - Big beautiful bird!
Your brother loves cats? No, he loves only computer! That's his hobby. Giraffes live in Russia? - Yes, at the zoo.
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