traffic is often bad and she worries about getting <u>to</u> work late, but she
usually arrives <u>at</u> work at around nine. She finishes work quite late, at
about eight. 'Luckily, I'm never ill,' she says. 'I could never take the time <u>off</u>
work.' She loves what she does and is glad to be <u>in</u> work. Some of her
friends are not so lucky: they are <u>out of work</u>.</span>
I have many stickers. This collection to me is always pleasing to the eye. I have both doggies and cats, florets and sweets. Every week I receive stickers. It is very cheerful.
I have had my pesent job for years
Будущее продолжительное время
Will be + -ing (will not be)
1) Для выражения длительного действия, которое начнется в будущем и будет длиться до определенного момента в будущем
2) С другим будущим действием, но в Present Simple в придат. предложении условия и времени
at _ o'clock, at midnight...