Masha healed wolves and mededya - Masha made a wish 3 wishes, she asked to fish pulled from the water ball, candy and asked to bear poimayu big fish
Mary closes zlaza hands
Mary listens to the heart midvedya
Masha sculpts snow komochik
On Monday, l'm braving s car.
On Tuesday l go to the park.
On Wednesday, l'm happy.
On Thursday, we wolk with mum.
On Friday, in our dancing school.
On Saturday, my mother and l cleaned.
On Sunday picnic EAC.
(Понедельник, и т.д надо писать с большой буквы)
Lie - брехня, ложь. Например,
You say me lie
Do you like traveling?
Yes ,we do
Do you do sports in your free time?
No, we don't
Do you have many friends?
yes, i do