<span>1. The pupiis will see a lot of wax figures. <em><u>Ученики увидят много восковых фигур.</u></em></span>
<span>2. The pupiis will have lunch in a cafe. <u><em>Ученики позавтракают в каком-нибудь кафе.</em></u></span>
<span>3. The pupiis will go by bus. У<u><em>ченики поедут на автобусе.</em></u></span>
<span>4 The pupiis will see the Changing of the Guard. <em><u>- Ученики увидят смену караула.</u></em></span>
<span>1. Below on this street building a new residential area.</span>
<span>2. It has never been taken for an Englishman.</span>
<span>3. In your room have touched nothing since you've been sent to a sanatorium.</span>
<span>4. Whether you consider interesting work that you suggested?</span>
<span>5. 3A every penny you need to account.</span>
<span>6. Have you ever taught how to behave?</span>
<span>7. It had to operate.</span>
<span>8. Children were treated to ice cream.</span>
<span>9. Someone stole my stamp collection.</span>
<span>10. I've never spoken.</span>
<span>11. Look! Someone spilled tea on the table cloth.</span>
<span>12.Уроки need to do more interesting.</span>
<span>13. We have to do something for these people.</span>
<span>14. Football is played all over the world.</span>
<span>15. I'm afraid that this castle you can't fix it.</span>
<span>16. Birthday she was given a box of chocolates.</span>
<span>17. His friend, speak well.</span>
<span>18. Students were told to wait outside the door.</span>
<span>19. My uncle made the captains.</span>
<span>20. Outside were asked to leave the meeting.</span>
<span>21. You will say, when does the train.</span>
<span>22. She felt that her something to hide.</span>
<span>23. There will be so dark that you will not be seen.</span>
<span>24. I felt that he already asked this question before.</span>
<span>25. I was sent to bed.</span>
<span>2B. He didn't hear what they were talking about.</span>
<span>27. We will know whether it is good for him watched.</span>
<span>28. He was given a first-class education.</span>
<span>29. Something is being done to restore this building?</span>
<span>30. They say that you can't see him for three months.</span>
<span>31. He turned on the radio. Performed Brahms piano Concerto.</span>
<span>32. I did not know to whom I represent.</span>
<span>33. At a reception on the Professor did not pay attention, but wearied with his pretty wife.</span>
Термин “искусственный интеллект” был придуман на конференции в 1956 году группой исследователей, которая включала Марвин Мински Джон Маккарти, Герберт Саймон и Алан Ньюэлл, все из которых стали корифеями в этой теме. Этот термин служил сексуально звучащим, но информативным семантическим зонтиком для исследовательской программы, которая охватывала такие ранее разрозненные области, как исследования операций, кибернетика, логика и компьютерные науки.
1. B) 4th Thursday in November
2. B) Turkey Day
3. C) <span>American football</span>