1. Encyclopedia
2. Guidebook
3. Review
4. Script
1. Have you ever been to America?
2. This instruction is very useful.
3. These glasses are useless! I can't see anything.
4. It is necessary to bring this book to school tomorrow.
5. This climate is very unhealthy - you can catch a lot of diseases here.
6. Rice is a traditional Chinese meal.
7. Europeans use to eat cereals for breakfast.
8. Fries are nothing without a great burger.
9. Can you pass me two slices of bread, please?
<span>There was a little fairy.She was very beautiful.When the other fairies looked at her, they envied her.Her beautiful nowhere else was not.And once she got ready to go to her best friend.But something was not right.Friend, too, was jealous of this adorable fairy.And her best friend grabbed her by the hair and potosia it on the street.Then the fairy thought back to make sure that all of her like.thought, thought and decided.She wanted to get rid of its beauty!And she took the match and poggle his face.After that her best friend was introduce myself Cinderella.But her face is already beautiful.She was even more beautiful.Due to the fact that she burned his face for the sake of friendship!Since then, her friend realized that her beauty is given by God.They have to try and live happily ever after</span>
Пите зе фёст вос бон он зе соти оф мэй сикстин севентисеконд. вен пите вос а чайлд северэл тичис вё делегэйтид то тичь хим. пите вос интерестид ин шоппинг энд шипбилдинг. хи вос а тол мэн энд хис хеит вос эбаут ту хангридс см. хи дид нот хэв сквеа шоулдес энд хис фит энд хэндс вё смол. моове пит'с хэд вос смол фо хис фигэ. эт зе рекьюст оф зе мозе хи мэррид. зе мэрридж вос ин сиксти эйтинайн энд эудоксия лопукхина бекам хис вайф. ин севенти твентифо пите мэрид фо а секонд тайм то кэсерин. пите хэд ту вайфс энд фоти чилден бай зем. онли три оф хис чилдрен сёвайвд. хи хэд проблемс виз блэде энд юринэи трэкт бат хи вос кьюад. ин новембе севенти твентифо вайл эт лэкхта пите вос фосд то рекью зе солдирс дровнинг нот фа фром шоо. хис хелс бекэйм ворс энд зис проблемс коусд хис дис. пите дайд он зе эйт оф фебриари севенти твентифайв