<span>1. This was a wonderful day in a village Stydenoe.
Sky was blue and sunny. Two friends happily went for a walk among the large fields, telling to друг-другу history about the neglected houses in their village, that were on the forest edge of a forest.
2.When a pigeon pair went on a path, a girl noticed the roof of house and began to look in a that side very surprised. A boy understood that something not so and came running, to look that surprised a girl so... Does it can there was a house that keeps in itself secrets? What to make way to him, it was needed to get through a ditch and raspberry-cane. Suddenly for them, outside very grew dark, therefore they decided to return the next day.
3. They returned on the forest edge of a forest in the field. Guys went round a house and took off boards from windows and doors. Approximately in ten minutes a girl made an effort open a window, what to make way in a house and examining everything rather better. But this plan malfunctioned. A girl got angry, found a nail and gave it to the boy that in that moment tried to open a garret. </span>Then a boy took a nail, what to try to open a door lock to them. Which a surprise of girl was!... It and in a true went out!
4.In the same day, guys went and reported about a house to the friends. Friends from their company not immediately estimated a find. However later, when a pigeon pair took them to the house, guys at once began to put in order a house, what then it was there comfortably to spend time in conversations, hiding in this moment from a bad weather. Guys were very happy, that found this place.
Тихенький дощ падає на місто
Спонукальне речення- это предложение которое побуждает к действию Пример: Наташа помой посуду!
"Чому ти сьогодні печеш раків?",-запитала дівчинка у хлопчика
Треба хоч щось уміти.
Щоб чогось навчитись треба хотіти.
Уроки треба вчити, бо якщо не вивчиш, буде біда...
Любити Україну всім серцем своїм.
Мусиш вчитись, бо пропадеш.
Бажати щастя, треба навіть і ворогові, раптом стане другом.
Перед тим як щось сказати, подумай.