This colourful and FRIENDLY event includes theatre, comedy, dance, circus, children's shows, operas
and lots more. There is no selection committee, and any type of PERFORMANCE is allowed at the festival. During the Fringe Edinburgh becomes a fantastic place of colour,
music and dance. Thousands of participants from more than FIVE countries come to Edinburgh to present shows for every taste. Everyone can enjoy
tasty food including TRADITIONAL Scottish dishes.
It’s IMPOSSIBLE to imagine Edinburgh in August without this great show
I think that reading is much more better than just watching film. When you read you can see the characters how you imagen not how the director of the film. When you read you can feel the papers. You can hear the sound of your imagination and taste that writer is discribing. Some people like to read some like to watch but even you do not have to read you can leason some one else reading still it will be the same. Uctually one thing will, the tone you can choose or you can try to make the tone that author have gave you to use. I love to read the books because there is more informaion then in film because the director can just cut out the intresting part i like like in Harry Poter, Three Musketears, 20,000 lige to the sea, to the center of the earth and other. reading make you learn more words you even do not have to go to the dictioner because you can understand it by the meaning of the sentence. i whont say that reading is good or bad because i do not whant to upset other people. I am like others i like sometimes just to wach not to read. But my opinion is that reading is better than watching that is my conclusion.
9. Julia, who had gone half way down one flight, came back.
10. There was something vaguely familiar about her face but I couldn’t remember where I had seen her before.
11. He reread what he had written.
12. When Val had left them, Soames and Winifred made their way to the Cheshire Cheese.
13. She had been ill for two days when we learnt about it.
14. About twenty people had already arrived when they entered the hall.
15. We hadn`t gone far when we suddenly noticed the dark clouds on the horizon.
1. Is washing. 2. Washes. 3. Am learning. 4. Am doing. 5. Do 6. Is busy. Is buying. 7. Buys. 8. Loves.
1. Инфинитив - help. Форма инфинитива - Indefinite Infinitive Active, функция - именная часть сказуемого.
2. Инфинитив - to read. Форма - Indefinite Infinitive Active, функция - часть составного глагольного сказуемого
3. Инфинитив - to answer. Форма - Indefinite Infinitive Active, функция - часть составного глагольного сказуемого
4. Инфинитив - to leave. Форма - Indefinite Infinitive Active, функция определения.
5. Инфинитив - to save. Форма - Indefinite Infinitive Active, функция подлежащего.
6. Инфинитив - enter. Форма - Indefinite Infinitive Active, функция определения.
7. Инфинитив - open/walk. Форма - Indefinite Infinitive Active, функция определения.
8. Инфинитив - to be. Форма - Indefinite Infinitive Passive. Функция определения.
9. Инфинитив - to enter. Форма - Indefinite Infinitive Active, функция - часть составного глагольного сказуемого
10. Инфинитив - to have been writing. Форма - Perfect Continuous Infinitive Active, функция - часть составного глагольного сказуемого.
11. Инфинитив - to know. Форма - Indefinite Infinitive Active, функция - часть составного глагольного сказуемого.
12. Инфинитив - to rain. Форма - Indefinite Infinitive Active, функция - часть составного глагольного сказуемого.
13. Инфинитив - to know. Форма - Indefinite Infinitive Active, функция обстоятельства.
14. Инфинитив - to hear. Форма - Indefinite Infinitive Active, функция обстоятельства.
15. Инфинитив - to read. Форма - Indefinite Infinitive Active, функция определения.